Thursday, August 13, 2009

Income Drops

I'm a little bit worried today upon learning that my online income has drop. I have lots of bills to be paid and I need to support the need of my family.

I am still wondering if the trust of the search engine to the affected blog was really drop which resulted to the drop of income. But the other side of me couldn't consider that thought because it is also true that advertisers on the keywords related to the pages of my blog are paying less compared to what they paid before. It ca be also true that my Adsense account was affected by those clicks generated that did not result to sales.

But there is no reason to surrender. There's no reason to back off. Instead of worrying about it, I think, I should think of ways how to earn more. Maybe I need to do a little research on better niche that will send me enough money.

By the way, the number of pages that was indexed by Google has dropped again. Last week, the number has increased a little but it seems Google has changed its mind and dropped some pages that was indexed already last week.

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